Casino Royale Valenka

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The Fate of Valenka - posted in SPOILERS: Casino Royale (2006): Of all the Bond girls in Casino Royale Valenka is the most mysterious. She is Le Chiffre's girlfriend and also henchwoman as she poisons Bond for him. During the torture scene we see Valenka enter the room with Vesper and another one of Le Chiffre's thugs. Later we hear two gun shots before Mr. White comes in to kill Le Chiffre. Casino Royale – (Film 2006). (To Valenka) You should find a new boyfriend. Casino Royale – (Film 2006) Le Chiffre: You've taken good care of your body.

default 80

default 8081

nothing happens after post

dirb shows some interesting directors



robots is cards and kboard…lol

trying index.php reveals a pokermax software

we find an admin page, but default checks don't work

we move to sqlmap

sqlmap success and we find the admin password

pokermax admin logged in

looking around, user valenka has some info in the profile

update /etc/hosts and browse to url, it's a cms

going through the posts, this one looks interesting seeing how port 25 is open

quick search on e-db reveals a csrf attack that looks like it could work

setup the csrf file and hosted on attacking machine through apache

setup for the email took some time trying to figure out the correct subject line, had to go one by one through the poker clients

final send email with a link to the csrf file

access log shows file is checked!

attempt to sign-in with creds provided in csrf file

success! in as admin

wasted a lot of time looking for places to add php code, ends up there were details in a user profile again

browsing to the new url, it's a file directoy

Casino Royale Valenka

browsing to main.php, nothing special

Casino Royale Villain

but we find interesting notes in the source

looks like xxe vuln and here is a good post to follow

setup xml.txt and curl command

running reveals /etc/passwd

now we have users, know that ftp is open and from the comment in the ultra source that it's an easy password. throw hydra at it…success

ftp access is successful, however we cannot do much. cannot upload, but can make directories

after some playing around, we can upload just without extensions :)

however we cannot add .php extension, but .php5 worked

we setup our netcat listener and browse to the file, but nothing happens. looking we need to add permissions to the file, we just 777 it

we revisit the file in the browser and we have a reverse shell

quickly find valenka password for mysql

Casino Royale Valenka

able to elevate to user valenka after breaking out of jail. after much searching, elevation didn't help though

back as www-data, searched and found an interesting suid file and directory

running the suid file it seems it's pulling network stats and processes, most likely using

from here we need to become user le, so we look at some of the files being served by the webserver. it shows index.html calls collect.php

we see it's calling the python script and we see it's editable by www-data. it's currently reading a log file, but perhaps we can change that to a reverse shell?

we know we can access these files via that 8081 port. looking more closely we see that the web server at this port is run by user le

first let's create the new python script containing our reverse shell

next we download the file to /tmp

then we echo that file into the existing python script and overwrite the contents. we do a cat to verfiy as well


browsing to main.php, nothing special

Casino Royale Villain

but we find interesting notes in the source

looks like xxe vuln and here is a good post to follow

setup xml.txt and curl command

running reveals /etc/passwd

now we have users, know that ftp is open and from the comment in the ultra source that it's an easy password. throw hydra at it…success

ftp access is successful, however we cannot do much. cannot upload, but can make directories

after some playing around, we can upload just without extensions :)

however we cannot add .php extension, but .php5 worked

we setup our netcat listener and browse to the file, but nothing happens. looking we need to add permissions to the file, we just 777 it

we revisit the file in the browser and we have a reverse shell

quickly find valenka password for mysql

able to elevate to user valenka after breaking out of jail. after much searching, elevation didn't help though

back as www-data, searched and found an interesting suid file and directory

running the suid file it seems it's pulling network stats and processes, most likely using

from here we need to become user le, so we look at some of the files being served by the webserver. it shows index.html calls collect.php

we see it's calling the python script and we see it's editable by www-data. it's currently reading a log file, but perhaps we can change that to a reverse shell?

we know we can access these files via that 8081 port. looking more closely we see that the web server at this port is run by user le

first let's create the new python script containing our reverse shell

next we download the file to /tmp

then we echo that file into the existing python script and overwrite the contents. we do a cat to verfiy as well

we setup a netcat listener on the new port, browse site and trigger the python script…we have a reverse shell as user le!!

so now back to the file, we take a look and we see it's just netstat and ps commands

well we own the file, let's chmod and append a /bin/sh

Casino Royale Bond Girls

with that let's run mi6…and we root

moving to /root/flag folder we see a script, which when run tells us to open to a url



Ivana Milicevic played by Valenka

Born in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina on 26th April 1974

Starred in Casino Royale (2006)


Valenka is first seen wearing a skimpy swimsuit climbing the ladder of the yacht owned by Le Chiffre, moored somewhere in the Bahamas.

Later when Steven Obanno learns of Le Chiffre losing his money, he pays Le Chiffre a visit in Montenegro. When Le Chiffre returns to his suite, Valenka is standing on the balcony where she says she's sorry just as Obanno appears and attacks Le Chiffre. Filled with rage Obanno strangles Le Chiffre who informs him that the money isn't lost, and he will have it the next day. Obanno decides someone should lose an arm for this betrayal, but since Le Chiffre needs it to play cards, he decides to cut the arm of Valenka instead. It's turns out to be a bluff when he stops at the last moment, much to the delight of Valenka. Obanno tells her to find herself a new boyfriend since Le Chiffre didn't protest to her arm being cut off.

Casino Royale Movie

Back at the poker table after Bond buys back in and starts to win, Valenka slyly puts poison into Bonds drink. When Bond drinks a large amount of the drink shortly afterward, it forces him to leave the table much to Valenka's delight. This is short-lived however, when Bond returns to the table jokingly commenting that the last round nearly killed him.

Valenka is present while Bond is removed from his wrecked Aston Martin DBS, and Le Chiffre and his henchmen take Bond and Vesper Lynd to be tortured. While not actually seen on screen, it is presumed that Mr White kills Valenka before killing Le Chiffre and saving Bond.


Attractive blond partner of Le Chiffe, she is never very far from him. Valenka seems to have a penchant for skimpy outfits which continues throughout the film, much to the distraction of other players during the poker tournament.

A keen swimmer, Valenka is more than just pleasing eye candy however. She appears quite adapt at poisioning Bonds drink, and certainly seems to take great pleasure in watching the results take shape. §


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